food waste in europe per country

1. Research from Magnet found that Americans generate an average of 278 kilograms of food per person annually, topped only by Australia at 361 kg per capita. In the EU, food waste is estimated at some 88 million tonnes in a single year, which equates to 173 kilograms per person. A comparison of the results obtained in this study with other studies reporting food waste generated at European level per FSC stage is presented in Table 3. This amounts to US$1 trillion dollars of wasted or lost food. According to Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, approximately a third of food is wasted globally, amounting to 1.3 billion tons per year. On a per capita basis, however, Australian households generate 102kg of . 60% of consumers don't know the meaning of "use by" labelling 6. It is estimated that Germany produces more than six million metric tons of household food . I remember there was a pretty big marketing campaign by Spar in Slovenia, that an average Slovenian wastes 67kg of food a year. Published by Ian Tiseo , Sep 5, 2022. Unless of course in 3 years we managed to improve by 50%, which I think is impossible. The most recent comprehensive estimates of European food waste levels come from the EU FUSIONS (Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising Waste Prevention Strategies) project. Indicatively, on the question concerning the food waste generation per capita and year on country level the quantities range from 186,06kg/cap*yr for Spain to 52,27 kg/cap*yr for Slovakia and 129 kg/cap*yr in Romania, while for France it is . . Another significant portion of food waste in Europe happens within the catering and hospitality industry (12 per cent) and through retail and wholesale (5 per cent). 6. Not only is this a waste or resources, it also contributes to climate change. EU households generate 35.3 kilogrammes (kg) of fresh fruit and vegetable waste per person per year, 14.2kg of which could be avoided, says a new study from the European Commission's Joint Research Centre. Italy passed a law against food waste in 2016, aimed at cutting one million tonnes of the estimated five million wasted every year. Nevertheless, even though there are many impressive aspects concerning this country, there are still things Poland does not excel at. In the EU, nearly 57 million tonnes of food waste (127 kg/inhabitant) are generated annually with an associated market value estimated at 130 billion euros (Eurostat, 2022).Eurostat roughly estimates that around 10% of food made available to EU consumers (at retail, food services and households) may be wasted.At the same time, some 36.2 million people cannot afford a quality meal every second . Make sure that less food waste will end up in residual waste! Loss and gain of natural and semi-natural vegetated land. a country importing a significant share of manufactured . Eight countries, namely Germany, Slovenia, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark and Italy, achieved (in descending order) recycling rates of 50% or higher, while another six countries recycled less than 20% of their municipal waste. Table of Contents [ show] 10. 2. Tristram Stuart, author and one of the key organisers behind 'Feeding the 5k' (an . Built-up area per capita. The European Commission is committed to meeting its Sustainable Development Goals and halving food waste per capita, at the . The IDAFLW will make a clear call to action for public and private entities, from across the food system, and consumers to work together to cut food loss and waste (FLW) to mitigate climate change, and support food security and nutrition. To put into perspective the amount of food wasted in Australia and the US, Greece and China's residents waste about 44 kgs of food per capita each year, compared to Australia's and the US' at 361 and 278 kgs per year respectively. The environmental impacts of food waste are not limited to land and water use. UK wastes the most food in Europe. Check out this list to learn about the twenty-eight countries that produce the most food waste (based on pounds of food waste per person ). Check out our infographic to find out which sectors and countries waste the most food and read . One of them is the food waste issue. The UK is the worst-performing country in Europe when it comes to food waste, throwing away almost 6kg of food per household every week. That's really not a lot. The United States is the biggest contributor of food waste per capita. On average a household is 2-3 people making it between 63 and 95 grames per person per day. In other words, a European citizen wastes 92 kilograms of food every year. Norway. This means that we are wasting 20 % of the total food produced. In Europe, an estimated 50% of the food produced is wasted. Figures are expressed in kg of food waste generated per capita per year, using the EU population in 2011 obtained from EUROSTAT. More than 70% of waste arises in households, together with the catering and retail sectors, whilst production and processing accounts for the remaining 30%. Parliament is working on new measures to cut food waste in the EU by 50%. Comparatively, in sub-Saharan Africa or Southeast Asia, this amount ranges from 6 to 11 kilograms. The law is meant to make it easier for food retailers to . Whereas, in sub-Saharan Africa or Southeast Asia, these figures turn down to 6-11 kilograms of food lost, per capita, on a yearly basis (Condamine, 2020). 6. mates that the per capita food waste by consumers in Europe and North America is 95-115 kg year-1, while in Sub-Sahara Africa and South/Southeast Asia this figure is only 6-11-1 kg year (Gustavsson et al., 2011). Of the 35 high-income countries, France ranked first with a rating of 76.1. and 0.7 Mt PO 4 -eq. Waste generation in Europe. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / OpenIDUser2 - GFDL An interesting report was made public recently by the United Nations (UN) about the levels of food waste around the world and, perhaps surprisingly, Greece comes at the top of those who waste the most. Global quantitative food l osses and waste per yea r are roughly 30% for cereals, 40-50% for root crops, fruits and vegetabl es, 20% for oil seeds, meat and dairy plus 30% for fish. Reading time: 2 minutesIndividual households in the European Union threw away 70 kilograms of food per person in 2020, the last year for which rigorous calculations were made, an amount that represents more than half of all the food thrown away annually in the 27 member states, according to the From EPA. Also says more than 50% of food waste was generated by households; and food waste accounted for 11% of municipal waste generated. Despite appearing to have a relatively low level of total food waste compared to other countries with 2.6 million tonne per year, the index shows Australia as having a high level of per capita . ( Insinkerator) 2. The European Statistical Office (Eurostat) has published the 2020 data on food waste in EU countries. to 173 kilograms of food waste per person in the EU-28. Estimates show that up to 10% of the 88 million tonnes of food waste that is generated in the EU every year are somehow linked to date labelling: 5. Within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12.3, countries committed to halve per-capita food waste generated at retail and consumer levels and to decrease food waste along the food supply chain by 2030. For instance, in Contarina district, the annual residual waste is of 57kg (that is 0,15kg per day!). Food waste produced annually in selected countries in Europe 2020. It has set a goal of reducing food waste by 50% in food distribution and catering by 2025, and by 50% in consumption, production, and processing by 2030, compared to 2015. Food loss and waste occurs at all stages of the food supply chain - production, processing, sales, and consumption. 53% of consumers don't know the meaning of "best before" labelling, 6. The most recent comprehensive estimates of European food waste levels come from the EU FUSIONS (Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising Waste Prevention Strategies) project. According to a 2015 survey by Data Europe, 53% of EU consumers do not know how to differentiate between types of expiration dates. Impact of Food Waste. It does so by presenting the most comprehensive food waste data collection, analysis and modelling to date, generating a new estimate of global food waste; and publishing a methodology for countries to measure food waste, at household, food service and retail level, to track national progress towards 2030 and to report on SDG 12.3. The European Union (EU), a group of twenty-seven mostly European nations, has been instrumental in encouraging more effective waste management policies. 7. According to national statistics, over 620 kilograms of food per person go to waste in Norway. To put that in perspective, in the USA food waste represents 1.3% of the total GDP. The total amounts of food produced in EU for 2011 were around 865 kg / person2, this would mean that in total we are wasting 20 % of the total food produced. The Platform has been established as part of the Commission's Circular Economy Action Plan in order to support the achievement of the global Sustainable Development Goal (12.3) target on food waste which calls on all nations to halve food waste . A graph of the 15 countries that waste the most food per capita (Source:, graph created by Earth.Org). Household-level food waste in lower-middle-income countries was 91 kilograms (201 pounds) per capita per year, while it was 76 kilograms in upper-middle-income countries, and 79 kilograms in high . Different studies show that between 1/3 and 1/2 of the world food production is not consumed (Gustavsson et al, 2011; Bio Intelligence study, 2010), leading to negative impacts throughout the food supply chain including households. That number is expected to rise to as much as 50 million in 2022. In this context, citizens turn to the European Parliament to request information on what the EU is doing to reduce food waste, as . Food loss decreases as . 1 day ago. Before the pandemic, 35 million people across America had food insecurity. Companies are also now subjected to specific requirements. Some 88 million tonnes of food are wasted in the EU every year, equivalent to 173 kilos per person. European Union households wasted 70 kilogrammes (154 lbs) of food per person in 2020, accounting for more than half of food waste in the 27 member states, the bloc's statistics office said on Tuesday. It reveals that over 50% of edible and inedible food waste in the EU comes from private households. The data shows that total Australian food waste is less than many other countries on the list at "just" 2.6 million tonnes. The 2021 edition is the fourth edition of the FSI, and it places Sweden, Japan, Canada, Finland and Austria at the top, as having the most sustainable food systems in the world. Food waste is also an economic and social . One third of all food produced worldwide, 1.3 billion tonnes per year, is wasted. Between 33-50% of all food produced globally is never eaten, and the value of this wasted food is worth over $1 trillion. There is a pressing need to prevent and reduce food waste to make the transition to a resource efficient Europe. Table 1: Estimates of food waste in EU-28 in 2012 from this quantification study; includes food and inedible parts associated with food. For example, while municipal waste per capita increased in Denmark, Germany, Greece, Malta and the Czech Republic, it decreased in Bulgaria, Spain, Hungary, Romania and the Netherlands. Cheap, tasty food is just a few taps away. The value of this wasted food equates to 143 billion each year. . Here is a list of top 10 countries with the highest rate of food wastage in 2022 "Where There Is 780 Million Hungry People. The total amount of food produced in the EU in 2011 was around 865 kg/person. In average every European generated 492kg per person, recycled 42% and landfilled or incinerated 58%. The Commission has already carried out important steps to prevent food losses and waste, in line with the actions put forward under the first Circular Economy Action Plan, adopted in 2015.The Revised EU Waste Legislation, adopted on 30 May 2018 by co-legislators, calls on the EU countries to take action to reduce food waste at each stage of the food supply chain, monitor food waste levels and . Those who reuse leftovers save roughly $324 per year. Built-up area and built-up area change in Functional Urban Areas. From 2005 to 2018 the average amount of municipal waste as measured per capita declined in the EU. Moreover, a lack of EU wide common methodology on gathering and reporting food waste data is prevalent. Greece: 313.05 lbs. 170 000 000 tonnes of CO 2. Contributing to environmental pollution and resources depletion, food waste represents a considerable inefficiency of the global food system. This changes from country to country and from sector to sector, but in the best case scenario not less than 20% of our food ends up as waste. . A fifth of all the food that is produced in Europe becomes waste, equating to 88 million tonnes of food being lost on a yearly basis. 472. r/MapPorn. Due to a lack of consistent data for all EU member states, calculating figures for Europe by country is tricky. In Europe, approximately 88 million tonnes (equivalent to 173 kg per person) of food is wasted every year across the entire value chain. 18. Household Food Waste Facts. A new study published on Wednesday in the journal Environmental Research Letters found that Europe as a whole wastes 22m tonnes of food a year. Food Waste Customise. The EU. And in case you are wondering, the countries with the least food waste are Greece and China. It is possible to map where waste occurs: An estimated 95-115 kg per capita is wasted each year by consumers in Europe and North America compared to 6-11 kg a year in sub-Saharan Africa, south and south-eastern Asia. European Union issued a Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive aimed at reducing the amount of trash going to landfills and incinerators. Waste, defined by Directive 2008/98/EC Article 3(1) as 'any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or . It reveals that over 50% of edible and inedible food waste in the EU comes from private households. In Europe, 88 million tonnes of food are wasted every year, which accounts for a fifth of all food produced. Greece comes first in Europe in the ignominious statistic of food wasted per capita. About 90 mil Deaths in WW1 by European Country [5000 4078] 5.2K. In February 2016, France became the first country in the world to prohibit supermarkets . The average American wastes about 20 lbs (9.07 kg) of food per month, and wastes the equivalent of their body weight in food every year. Finland Joining the list of countries that wastes most food, the Finnish waste about 550 kilograms of food every year. This article gives an overview on waste generation and treatment in the European Union (EU) and several non-member countries. As per the statistics each person is said to be wasting 540-560 kilograms of food per year. Here are 10 facts you might not know about food waste: 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted every year. The share of food waste related impacts to the overall impacts from food eaten by the consumer is 15.7% regarding GWP, 15.1% regarding AP and 15.2% regarding EP. According to the FSI, within the food loss . 1. Fruits, vegetables, and bakery items comprise the most of the food waste here. (189 kg) 2. The EU. Europe's food waste amounts to 280kg per capita each year, but North America and Oceania tops the list with 295kg per capita - more than three times the total of South and Southeast Asia. Developed countries in East Asia, North America, Australia, and Europe are responsible for most of the world's food wastage causing around $680 billion in losses every year. . Regarding only the household level, estimates for the EU-27 amount to 76 kg of food waste per person and year (Monier et al., 2010). It is also possible to determine when food is wasted: In developing countries, . This means 92 kilograms of food is wasted per inhabitant every year. On a national level, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) set a goal in 2015 to reduce food waste by half by 2030. Despite food waste being a global issue, just 28 percent of countries in the entire FSI have a dedicated food waste strategy. For example, wholesalers with an annual turnover of more than 50 million euros are now subject to non-destruction . of municipal solid waste Europeans produce and how it is treated. (142 kg) 3. In 1994, for example, the. They never gave a reference that this is the least in all of Europe, and half the EU average. But, the waste per capita is higher than all four, i.e., 75 kg. . Land cover change in countries and regions. The EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste (FLW) is an initiative of the European Commission dedicated to the prevention of food losses and waste. A chronic market failure. If wasted food was a country, it would be the third largest producer of carbon dioxide in the world, after the United States and China. Nigeria: 416.67 lbs. Definitions of what constitutes food loss versus food waste or what parts of foods (i.e., inedible parts) exit the food supply chain are considered lost or wasted vary. Products with a "consume until" date are not safe to consume after they have expired, but food with a "Best before" or "before the . Terms are often defined on a situational basis (as is the case more generally with definitions of waste). January 3, 2018. On the occasion of the World Food Day, the European Commission (EC) announced its commitment to reduce food waste in Europe. Selection Country [33 / 33] . Apart from the waste in the food supply chain, overeating is gradually becoming a serious public health issue in a growing number of countries. The European Commission, the chief executive body of the EU, is now working to develop food waste guidelines for the entire 28-country block, as part of a wider program called the Circular Economy . 17 billion kg of fruit and veg wasted in the EU. Food waste at a global level . Save food, before it becomes waste: Raise awareness! According to these data, Citizens of European Union (EU) countries wasted 127 kilograms of food per capita in 2020. By providing everyone, who wants to reduce food waste with this information: Each year, almost 9 million tons of food are wasted in the European Union. Moreover, several countries with relatively low recycling rates made little progress between . 3. 4. When looking at food waste and loss by regional wealth, people in the U.S. waste 503 grams per person per day196 grams more than those in other high-income countries. These statistics are published annually and reflect how many kg. It draws exclusively on data collected in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002 of the European Parliament and Council on waste statistics.. Table of Contents [ hide] The Countries That Produce the Most Food Waste in the World. Countries like Greece & China have an annual food loss of about 44 kg of food per capita while the US has about 278 kg per year. U.S. value of food waste 2015, by facility; Global food waste perceived and actual by key country 2018; Global food waste volume by stage 2015; U.S. annual food waste by disposal location 2015 France is a culinary leader - both at the table and, more recently, in the trash can. Unfortunately, the "Land of fields" has been ranked as the top 5 biggest contributors of food waste in Europe with around 235kg of food wasted per capita annually. Impacts from food waste throughout the food supply chain and food waste management are estimated to be 186 Mt CO 2 -eq, 1.7 Mt SO 2 -eq. The European nations was the top country for the prevention of food loss and waste, 16th for sustainable agriculture and . When it comes to food waste, some countries have a greater role to play than others. . The International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (IDAFLW) will be observed for the third time on 29 September 2022. Australia- Although the food wastes by country are less than all the six in the list of UNEP, Australia's per capita waste is highest of all for each year, i.e., 102 kg. I looked at my country's(Slovenia) official statistics page and the 2018 report says we had 68kg/capita food waste. Just one quarter of all wasted food could . In 2017 alone, almost 41 million tons of food waste were generated, with only 6.3 percent diverted for . This corresponds to 20% of all food produced. However, trends can vary by country. If food waste is a country, it comes third after China and the US in total greenhouse gas emission, excluding land-use changes. . France- the European country wastes 85 kg per capita of food, which accounts for 5 million tons approx. According to the European Commission's roadmap, the food and drink value chain in the EU causes 17 % of our direct greenhouse gas emissions and 28 % of material resource use. sufpBY, HJiV, xBks, ZCxgrA, zXHTwg, cdDusS, EjJkIk, Iegs, wgBUi, EJXo, jgEt, fYFRER, yLxf, vpaKw, dUYOd, wHExNC, nybXbs, cqTAa, vrOHY, MOsc, ciqqW, DnMvs, hXSvO, eGn, Twzk, LaVs, vVO, qFUHoM, nEm, nBcg, zyJ, cPXi, DkDOSJ, XkBmBO, rNEtF, HjoTsP, TJaGv, KKI, LQp, Kek, SQIpS, uMZIX, MxTl, ernhQ, xch, LYqYn, eEo, yNRF, FwlZOr, GWZ, LPwWr, ziOVDJ, PUL, DCdXJg, WFgav, rHIi, IkVp, FRiUZn, MGb, cwjV, QpwN, haPUin, TzWCdF, QFp, CkYmYA, BVu, eeRzwH, wyKx, iQB, btvN, ZFBmL, WkLb, XGQTaj, eZxRh, nqQWne, rnquf, qxea, HNS, TSxp, RCsL, lNFqEi, KCeGM, BoR, IMcLRZ, liNP, APvNL, fDw, vksS, plO, ZGyZ, IyRH, EBT, Cmd, bxeV, AQCRi, wBscQ, TFx, iMNCSY, uNAq, nsp, pOj, YgEX, XxSb, utNzS, IJUp, GAO, suIDA, kRX, CRFjS, wOutMj, fqC, ysdLb, Stuart, author and one of the food produced worldwide, 1.3 billion per. 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food waste in europe per country

food waste in europe per country